Saturday, September 14, 2013

Captured Chapter 3

Captured  Chapter 3
Written by Virginia Leonard
Copyright 1997

                The four women sat in silence, no one really daring to look at
the other until Gabrielle cleared her throat.  “You want us to do what?”
                Xena cut her eyes over towards Rhoane and nearly burst out
laughing.  Her long time friend was leaning back in her chair, hands
clasped in front of her mouth with her forefingers forming a point.  She
had them pressed firmly against her lips, no doubt in an effort to keep
from blurting something out that would be best left unsaid.
                “I want you to get it back; steal it if you have to.  I don’t care
how you do it I just want it back.”  Brandy answered.
                “I don’t know.” Gabrielle trailed off, looking towards Xena
for some direction.  She could not be positive but she would almost be
willing to swear that she heard Rhoane whimper.
                Xena blew out her breath through pursed lips not daring to
look at Rhoane.  “Why don’t you just ask him for it?”
                Rhoane closed her eyes. 
                “Because he won’t give it back. He intends to sell it at the
Debtor’s auction.  It doesn’t mean anything to him, but it means
everything to me.”
                “How so?”  Gabrielle asked.
                “It was the only thing my mother gave me before she died and
I couldn’t stand to lose it.?
                Rhoane felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach.  Sentimentality
had never been an emotion she allowed herself to feel.  She could not. 
Not in her chosen profession and not if she wanted to be very successful
at what she did.  However, she had allowed herself to develop very
strong feelings for the young woman sitting next to her and that threw a
big kink into her plans.
                Brandy leaned across the table and put her hand on Xena’s
arm, “Xena, please.  There isn’t anything you can’t do and I’m asking
for help.”
                “What do you think Rhoane?  You up for it?” 
                Rhoane nodded yes while leaving her fingers pressed against her
lips.  She was certain that if she tried to speak, the only sound that would
come out of her mouth would be a high pitched and embarrassing
squeak and Zeus forbid she should ruin her reputation.
                “Good.  We’ll get back with you on the details.”
                Brandy looked worried.  “You have to do this tonight.”
                “Tonight!”  Rhoane squeeked, annoyed that her voice betrayed
                All three women looked in her direction at the same time.  “Do
that again,” Gabrielle teased.
                “Shut up.  Why tonight?”  
                “Because tomorrow is the debtor’s auction.  You don’t do it
tonight and it gets sold tomorrow.”
                “Oh great.  That’s my father.  I have to go,” Brandy said as she
stood up.
                “Wait.  We need some details.”
                Brandy leaned over the table and came face to face with Rhoane
who was having a very hard time maintaining eye contact considering all
the cleavage that was being presented to her.  “He sleeps on a pallet in
the kitchen and he keeps the necklace under his pillow.  Now, I have to
go or he’ll get mad and you’ve seen what he does when he gets mad.”
Brandy punctuated her statement with a sound kiss on Rhoane’s stunned
                “So now what?”  Gabrielle asked, somewhat perplexed by the
sudden turn of events.  What was supposed to be a nice quiet stay in a
small village was turning out to be a royal pain in the...well, there too
but that was not what was causing her discomfort at the moment.
                “What?”  Rhoane replied.  “Oh, we wait until it’s well past the
moon’s apex then I get to go digging under Mr. Gooddisposition’s head
for a necklace that I was sent here to steal in the first place but now
can’t steal because I’ve been asked to steal it which isn’t exactly
stealing now is it?”
                Xena and Gabrielle stared at the babbling thief, trying to make
some sense of what she had just said.  Xena shook her head and stood
up, “For some strange reason my head hurts.  I’m going to go lay down.
You two entertain yourselves.”
                Rhoane smiled at her friend then winked at Gabrielle.
                “On second thought, don’t you have equipment or something
that needs some attention?”  Her question was directed towards her
long time friend.
                “She doesn’t trust you,”  Gabrielle leaned over and quietly said
to Rhoane.
                “No, she doesn’t.”
                “And I shouldn’t.”
                “But you should trust Gabrielle.”
                Xena opened and closed her mouth several times before
spinning on her heal and disappearing down the hall towards the room
that she and Gabrielle shared.
                “I just love doing that to her.  She gets so tense sometimes and
begins to take herself seriously.  Someone has to tweak her every once in a
                “You’ll have to give me lessons.”
                “Gabrielle, I don’t think you’ll need lessons.  You have her in a
particularly vulnerable position as it is.  You really want to have some
fun with her?”
                “Try this...” and Rhoane began to whisper instructions into the
bard’s ear.  When she was finished, both women burst out laughing.
                Xena?s eyelids fluttered as she drifted up into a light doze.  She
tried to turn over but found that she could not move her arm, in fact she
quickly discovered that she could not move either arm and her eyes flew
wide open as she looked around the room.
                “Hi...”  Gabrielle was standing at the foot of the bed, leaning
against a table with nothing on except her short linen shift.  Her arms
were crossed beneath her breasts and her legs were slightly apart.
                Xena raised her head and looked at the red headed woman
then at the sashes tied around each wrist and looped around the posts at
corner of the head of the bed.
                “ don’t know how glad I am that you chose to take your
nap with nothing on.”
                “I knew I shouldn’t have left you two alone.  This stinks of that
busybody thief.”
                Gabrielle just grinned.  “I thought you might be hungry so I
brought us a snack.  Rhoane persuaded Brandy to raid the cellar.”
                She stepped away from the table and began to slowly pull the
covers down towards the foot of the bed.  With each inch, more and
more of the warrior’s body was revealed and Gabrielle made certain that
her eyes took in everything, from the steely blue eyes to the dark
triangle of hair. 
                Gabrielle reached through the metal bars that formed the
arched footboard and pulled the sheet completely off the bed, letting it
puddle in the floor then propped one foot on the bed, opening herself up
so that Xena could easily see how wet and eager her lover was.  “Like
what you see?”
                “Very much.”
                Gabrielle adjusted her shift which allowed the bottom enough
slack to drop down and cover herself.  She slide her hand along her
raised thigh and watched Xena’s eyes when that hand disappeared
beneath the material.  “It’s a shame you can’t see my hand.  You should
see what it’s doing,” Gabrielle said, her voice dropping, becoming a
little huskier.
                “I have some idea.”
                “ I guess you do.” Gabrielle’s voice trailed off as she
felt her body beginning to react to the touch of her own fingers. 
                It was a small one by comparison but big enough that Xena
could tell what had just happened and she felt certain changes taking
place within her own body.  She strained against her bonds, wanting
desperately to take Gabrielle in her arms and place kisses all over the
bard’s hot flesh.
                After a short moment of recovery, Gabrielle picked up the tray
of fruit and walked around the bed, placed it on the bedside table then
sat next to the aroused warrior.  She let her left hand lay flat against
Xena’s hard belly, feeling it move up and down with each breath, certain
that each breath was coming just a little faster than the one before.
                Without saying a word, Gabrielle began to unfasten the buttons
on her shift, letting the right hand work at each button slowly and
deliberately until all were undone and she carefully shrugged it over her
shoulders then dropped it on the floor. 
                She kneeled over the warrior’s body, straddling Xena’s
hips then gently settled herself down and smiled at
 the sight of light curly hairs mixed with dark ones. 
                “I’m hungry,” Gabrielle said as she leaned over and picked up
the bowl of fruit.  “You want some?”
                Gabrielle did not wait for an answer instead, she took one of
the cherries and holding it in both hands, she pulled it apart.  Juice
appeared, covering her thumbs with the sweet red nectar, dripping
onto the belly beneath her.  She raised the cherry to her mouth and
took the pit between her teeth, smiled at Xena then blew it onto the
                The bard bent towards the warrior’s face and placed the dark
fruit against Xena’s lips.  She held it there until Xena opened her mouth
and wrapped her lips around the fruit also taking in a generous portion
of Gabrielle’s thumb and finger.
                What a stark contrast there was between Xena’s
tongue and the smooth fruit, between the hot salty skin and the
fruit’s juice when she licked  it off Xena’s stomach.  Gabrielle took two
more cherries, tearing them open then placing them over each of Xena’s
nipples, squeezing and watching the dark nectar run down the sides of
Xena’s breast.
                Gabrielle twisted each cherry and moved it across the top of
the now hardened nipples then popped the pieces of fruit into her
mouth.  She sucked each nipple clean and marveled at how the juice
stained Xena’s nipples an even darker color.
                More cherries were eaten by each woman, more skin surface
was stained and before long, Xena was twisting and writhing  beneath
the wicked bard.  Gabrielle sensed Xena’s building arousal and moved
to kneel between the warrior’s spread legs.  She picked up a peach and
examined the furry covering.  She rolled it around on Xena’s belly, down
her legs, back up and around each breast then picked it up in both
hands, slowly digging her fingers inside the sweet flesh  and pulled it
                Juice sprayed both women, leaving them dripping, sticky. 
 Gabrielle took one half and bit into the center of it, filling her
mouth with the sweet meat then leaned over to let Xena suck the
juice off of her chin and to lick it off of her throat. 
                Gabrielle took the other half and placed its fleshy center against
Xena’s fleshy center then began to press and move the ripe fruit over
her lover’s soft center, slick and glistening until nothing was left and then
she leaned in to clean up her mess.        
                Xena could no longer lay still, her clit was pounding and she
needed to feel Gabrielle’s fingers inside her.  She ached to be taken by
the smaller woman.  She begged and soon Gabrielle relented.
                The first touch of Gabrielle’s fingers sent Xena’s head back against
the pillows and brought hips up into the air to join with the rest of
Gabrielle’s hand.  The bard pushed inside Xena as far as she could and
spread her fingers wide, brushing against the collection of live nerves
that sent electricity through Xena’s body.
                Gabrielle then took the remaining half of the peach and held it up
and over Xena slo wly closing her hand into a fist and watched
as the juice squeezed out through her fingers, dripping down over the bare
skin beneath her.
                Gabrielle stretched out between the strong legs and began to
suck up the sweet peach juice that puddled in her hand.
                The orgasm came hard and fast, racing through Xena’s body
leaving every nerve and muscle twitching.  Cords stood out in Xena’s
neck and she opened her mouth in a silent scream while her body
went completely rigid, bucking against the intense orgasm. 
                At that moment, the women heard a loud crack and the rails
gave way, the footboard and headboard folding in on themselves,
pinning the two women against the bed and against each other.
                Neither Gabrielle nor Xena could gain enough leverage to push
the frame away so there they lay, hoping that it would not be long
before someone found them. 
Xena heard the footsteps first and recognized the gate. 
“RHOANE!  Get in here!  Sweet blessed goddess I can’t believe
I’ve just called her in here.”
                “I don’t see that we have much choice,” Gabrielle chuckled,
“unless you want to die like this.”
                “It won’t open,” Rhoane called through the closed door.  “It
must be locked.”
                “Just open it.  I don’t care how but get in here.”
                They heard some muttered curses then the door exploded into
the room, sending pieces of splintered door frame flying.
                “RHOANE!”  Xena exclaimed.
                “Sorry, I didn’t have my picks with....” Rhoane’s voice trailed off
when she finally noticed what had happened.  She looked at Xena then
at Gabrielle, obviously biting her cheeks to keep from laughing.
                “Don’t...not one word,” Xena threatened, her face peeking
through the space between the bars that held her captive.
                Rhoane shook her head, looking at Xena’s wrists which were still
bound to the bed and the pieces of fruit that had rolled all over the floor
when the bowl was tipped over.  She saw the red head that was trapped
between the warrior’s legs and finally, she looked down at the bare legs
protruding through the bars at the end of the bed.
                She could not hold back any longer and sat down in the nearest
chair, laying her head down on the table.  Xena could not hear the
laughter but she could certainly see the body shaking therefore knew
what her friend was doing.
                “Gabrielle, I’ve decided that today is a good day to rid myself
of this pest.”
                Rhoane burst out laughing and looked up at Xena, tears
streaming down her face.  “Oh THAT’s really going to make me help
you.  Can you hold this position while I go find a sketch artist?  This
must be saved for posterity sake.”
                “Rhoane....” Gabrielle pleaded.
                “Oh fine.  I’ll help you but do I have to help Miss
Congeniality?”  Rhoane was still snickering.
                “Rhoane...” Gabrielle repeated.
                “Yes’em.”  Rhoane put her foot through the bars and pulled back
on the footboard with enough strength to give Gabrielle maneuvering
room.  Once the bard was out, they both grabbed the footboard and
were able to move it completely out of the way.
                Rhoane then grabbed the headboard and pushed it up, holding it
while Gabrielle untied Xena’s wrists and helped her up off the bed.
With Xena out of the way, Rhoane let the metal fall then turned and
looked at the two naked, somewhat embarrassed, but grateful women.
                “My my..., Gabrielle, Darlin’, you ever get tired of this
bonehead you’ll come find me won’t you?”
                Gabrielle grinned and pulled on her shift.
                “Out,” Xena said, pointing towards the door.
                “Fine, I’m going.  I’ll be in the main room having a drink...”
Rhoane walked out and was down the hall when she finished her
statement, “ …and telling stories probably.”
                “RHOANE!” Xena yelled after her.
                All they could hear was laughter echoing back down the


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