Thursday, September 12, 2013

Musings Chapter 5

Musings Chapter 5
Written by Virginia Leonard
Copyright 1997

     Three pairs of eyes bore down on Renfrew as he rode
into the village.  They watched him stop, giving the
signal for is soldiers to spread out. 
     Renfrew surveyed the surrounding area, his
sharp eyes missing nothing.  Shifting in his saddle,
he leaned over and whispered something into his
passenger's ear.  The child giggled then nodded her
head in emphatic agreement.
     Xena watched the exchange with myriad
emotions, rage being the most predominate.  The
total lack of concern in the child's face brought back
many painful memories for the warrior.  She had
seen the same look on the children's faces in her
village before the attack and she had seen it in the
villages before she attacked them.
     The juxtaposing memories threatened
Xena's own emotional control, driving her to do
something, anything to help these children before it
was too late.
     Xena pushed away from the stand and
started towards Renfrew but was stopped by a firm
hand on her shoulder.  Turning, expecting to see the
bard's hand, she was surprised to find that it
belonged to Adalai.
     "Don't.  Make him come to us."
     Her tone was so authoritative that Xena was
compelled to obey, but not without a look of surprise
on her face.
     "First thing I was ever taught, make them
come to you.  Puts them on the subordinate level."
Adalai paused for a moment, she could not resist
tossing a little barb in the warrior's direction.  "I'm
surprised that the great Warrior Princess doesn't
know that."
     Xena's eyes darkened but only for a
     "And how long do you propose we wait?"
Gabrielle asked.
     "As long as it takes," Adalai sighed.
     Renfrew finally gave in to the stubborn
women and nudged his horse towards the stand.
     "Xena.  Gabrielle."  He looked at the young
girl towering over him, using the height of the view
stand to its full advantage.  He was impressed; Adalai
looked every bit the part of an experienced soldier
and leader.  "Adalai.  You've grown."
     Adalai's eyes narrowed, "I should hope so."
     Gabrielle and Xena watched the two survey
each other.  Hundreds of questions came to both of
their minds, but they decided that this wasn't the
right time or place to become curious.
     "You still have your fresh mouth.  Odd as it
sounds, I miss that," Renfrew smiled.
     "Did you honestly think I would ever lose
it?  It's the only thing that's kept me alive, or have
you forgotten in your dotage?"
     Renfrew appeared genuinely stung by that
last comment.  "I don't forget anything."
     Adalai laughed out loud, "Could have
fooled me!"
     "I was told you were dead."
     "You never bothered to check, but that's ok
because I've done fine without you."
     "I see."
     "What do you want, old man?"  Adalai
asked, not bothering to hide her contempt.
     "Isn't that obvious?  This village has the
potential to become my home base.  Good location,
great logistics, easily fortified and defensible."
     "I won't let you have it."
     "And who's to stop me?  You?  One small
girl against my army?  Don't be a fool."
     Xena cleared her throat, "Chopped liver,
Gabrielle.  That's what we are, chopped liver."
     Renfrew reluctantly broke his eye contact
with Adalai and looked at Xena. "Hm, the fearsome
Warrior Princess and her amazon friend.  Is this the
best you can do, Adalai?"  He continued to stare at
     Gabrielle took an involuntary step
backwards.  She knew that the only thing keeping her
partner from pulling the warlord out of his saddle
was the blonde headed child sitting on the pad
attached to the modified pommel of the saddle.
Renfrew knew it too.
     "This isn't going to be settled here or now
and it's getting dark."  Adalai broke the silence; she
too could feel the tension growing between Renfrew
and Xena and she wanted to avoid an open
confrontation, if she could.  "Can we agree to meet at
first light and discuss this?"
     "Yes, Papai.  I'm hungry.  And I want to see
my friends.  Let's wait." 
     Renfrew smiled at the young girl and
playfully knocked her on the chin.  "As you wish.
Tomorrow it is.  First light, right here in the open."

Gabrielle, Xena and Adalai were seated around a
table inside a small building that passed as the tavern
and council hall.  It was the only place that had
enough tables to seat more than eight people.
     There was a small crowd, most of whom
were trying to find out what was going on.  Adalai
had given a short briefing then sent the villagers  on
their way, urging parents to pay special attention to
their young ones. 
     The three women had finally been given a
moment of privacy.  "Would you like to tell us how
you know this Renfrew character?"  Gabrielle asked,
her voice dangerously soft.
     Adalai looked up from her bowl of steaming
meat pie, pausing to swallow before she answered.
"That perch on Renfrew's saddle, that used to be
mine.  I rode there for four years, that is until he
decided to leave me for dead."
     "He was told you were dead," Xena added.
     "He knew I wasn't, he was just ready to
replace me.  I was getting to old to be effective.  If you
aren't effective, you're disposable.  I became
disposable."  Adalai shrugged her shoulders, trying
to convince herself and her table mates of her
nonchalance over the ordeal.
     "What about the other children?  Did you
ever try to escape?  Go home?"  Gabrielle asked.
     "Home?!  Renfrew's camps became home.
Most of the other kids were taken from their parents
before they were old enough to remember who they
were.  Nobody wanted to run away; life is very sweet
with his band."  Adalai's comments were met with
skeptical stares.  "You have to see it to believe it.
You up for a little walk?"
     They relied on Adalai's familiarity of the
camp's setup, positions of the sentries and Renfrew's
enforced routines, to get close enough to see.
     "The children's area is always in the center
of camp.  The children are like pure gold to Renfrew
and his men.  They are what keeps the adults alive.
Each child is assigned a rider and caretaker.  Every
child is well taken care of but those currently riding
are given special attention, like a prize winning
     Gabrielle and Xena followed Adalai even
further into the inner camp.  Adalai pointed towards a
large canvas tent, "See that?  That's the kids quarters.
They sleep there, eat there and play there.  There's
every toy imaginable inside that tent.  Why would
anyone want to give that up?"
     "I don't understand, how could you stand to
be confined like that?"  Gabrielle asked.
     "You don't get it.  We were taken better
care of here than we were in our villages.  We had
first go on the food and were allowed to eat  ‘til we
were full.  We had every need and almost every want
taken care of.  We had guardians who loved us, held
us, played with us...," Adalai's voice trailed off.
After a brief pause, she continued.  "Each child is
given a rite of passage after they pass their riding
tests and it's considered an honor to finally be
chosen.  There's a huge celebration, lot's of food,
sweets, gifts..."
     "What about the fighting?  Doesn't that
bother anybody?" Gabrielle asked.
     Adalai chuckled to herself, "We rarely saw
any killing.  The villages we raided simply laid down
their weapons as opposed to risk injury to any
children.  Renfrew's not a cruel warlord, just
     "He enslaves the people, confiscates their
lands and belongings then steals their children,"
Xena declared.  "How could they stand for that?"
     "Until you've been there, you won't
understand.  Don't be too quick to judge."
     Gabrielle looked at Adalai, trying to
understand the conflicting signals that were coming
from the budding warrior child.  "You carry
animosity towards Renfrew and yet you sit here
defending him.  I don't get it."
     Adalai smiled, "Stop trying.  My hatred for
Renfrew is for other reasons and I rather not talk
about it."  Adalai looked towards the large tent,
cutting off further conversation with her clenched
jaw and set expression.
     They sat there, studying the layout of the
camp and the activity around the large tent.  Xena
and Gabrielle were startled by Adalai's sudden sharp
intake of breath.  Followed her gaze, they saw the
young dark-headed boy walking in their direction.
     "Shouldn't we be getting out of here?"
Gabrielle squeeked.
     "Be quiet!" Adalai whispered before placing
her fingers to her lips.  A soft whistle, identical to
that of a nocturnal bird's cry, was released and the
young boy slowly looked towards their hiding place,
continuing to get closer.  As soon as he was in
earshot, Adalai called out in a loud whisper, "Peter."
     Peter casually looked around him, then
stepped into the shadow of the trees.  Adalai pulled
him into a fierce hug and held him for what seemed
like an eternity, finally, but reluctantly, releasing
him.  "Let me look at you.  You OK?"
     "Yeah, but you look like sh..."
     "Shhh!  Watch your mouth, it's gonna get
you in trouble."
     Peter grinned, revealing a gap where a tooth
should have been.
     "Are they taking good care of you?"  Adalai
continued.  Peter looked cautiously at Adalia's
companions before he answered.  "That's Xena and
that's Gabrielle.  Friends of mine and they're OK.
It's safe, you can talk."
     "They treat me fine.  I don't ride no more
but my voice hasn't changed and I can still sing, so
they keep me around.  Some others have left.  You
remember D'ella?  She stayed back two villages ago
and Ananias left  ‘bout three months ago.  Not many
of your group left."
     "What about you?"
     "Until my voice cracks, I'm safe.  After that,
we'll see."
     "Who's that riding Renfrew's point?"
     Peter cocked his head at Adalai.  "That's
your sister."
     Gabrielle and Xena exchanged startled
glances and Adalai sat there in stunned silence.
     Finally, Gabrielle broke the silence.  "Where
are her parents?"
     "Well they're here," Peter answered with a
tone is if to say you idiot.  "Renfrew always has his
children ride point with him.  I did it and so did she,"
he finished, pointing towards the still stunned Adalai.
     "Excuse me?" Xena asked.
     Adalai looked up, "Oh, did I forget to tell you?  Renfrew's my father."

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